A very special part of each guild meeting is Show and Tell. Our members share their quilting accomplishments
December 2024

November 2024

October 2024
There was no Show and Tell at this meeting.
September 2024
We enjoyed seeing all the projects our members completed over the past three months when we were not meeting. Note: You can see a larger version of each quilt by clicking on the picture. The picture will open in a new window. You can click on it again to see even more detail. When you close the new window, you will return to this page.

June 2024
At our annual picnic, members shared a family heirloom, blocks made with Accuquilt dies, a memory quilt, and a saved orphan top, quilted with an embroidery machine.
May 2024
A final display of our talents at the end of the 2023 – 2024 meeting year.
Note: You can see a larger version of each quilt by clicking on the picture. The picture will open in a new window. You can click on it again to see even more detail. When you close the new window, you will return to this page.

December2023-Members enjoyed a catered lunch and sweater contest.

October 2023 – From geese both the flying and quilted kind, to hearts to, skeleton cats and dogs and everything in between. Our guild is very diverse. Enjoy the show.

September 2023 – We’re baack! Looks like we were very busy during the summer. Enjoy the show!

May 2023 – HCQ 40th Birthday was a blast!

April 2023 – A few quilts didn’t make it into the quilt show.

March 2023 – Gearing up for the quilt show, there are many circle challenge quilts. Plus fabric bowls and rugs.

February 2023 – Lots of show and tell a few more Block of the Month quilts finished.

January 2023 – January meeting was on zoom, only a few ladies sent in pictures. The picture is of the Block of the Month by Cathy our leader, lovely.

December 2022 – More quilts.

December 2022 – Ask a quilter for a quilt and they will answer the call. These quilts are going to the Kentucky flood victims.

November 2022 – Many beautiful quilts.

September 2022 – Our super show and tell was amazing. We have many very talented ladies. Keep on quilting, your quilts are inspirational.

Farm, Home and Youth Fair August 2022 – Many beautiful quilts at the fair. Plus Janet Stalker has been very busy quilting a good way to beat this heat wave. Enjoy the show.

August 2022 – What have you been doing this summer to beat this record heat? Some of us have been quilting, others have been looking at quilts. Most of these pictures are from the Airing of the Quilts in New Holland. It was fabulous! Don’t miss it next year. A very vibrant quilt show of African/American quilts in Ocean City. Enjoy!

June 2022 – The June picnic brought out many Ronald Mc Donald Quilts. Thank you ladies for your hard work.

May 2022 – So many quilts, so little time. Enjoy!

Fabric Sale The April fabric sale was a grand success! With Carol O. leadership and all the members who worked countless hours to make our first ever sale fabric sale well worth the effort. Thank you to the 60 some members who put in the hours and the ones who came and bought our beautiful fabric.

“One big heart surrounded by our little hearts working hard.”

April 2022 For some reason the computer didn’t upload these pictures that I received in March. Finally today it decided it was ok to upload them. Don’t ask me why, ask a middle schooler, they will know the answer. I will get the meeting pictures on when they are sent to me.

March 2022 The quilt ladies have been busy. Enjoy the show.

February 2022 Trunk Show by Sue Edwards, Eva Beagle, and Jean Hoerr plus other members’ show and tell.

January 2022 Enjoy the many pictures of the beautiful quilts.

June 25 The picnic was so much fun. Everyone really loved seeing people in person after so many months. We were treated to a wonderful show and tell. Thank you all who presented quilts. Too many to name. Enjoy the show!
June 11 Janet S. is ready for Christmas in June? Linda C. ‘Heat Wave” quilt. Jeannie F. embroidery machine is humming.

May 28 Janet S. cute quilt. Marianne S. flying geese. Nancy E. Beautiful quilts.

May 21 Stephanie B. Fabulous hand quilted applique quilt. Sue M. lovely strip quilt.

May 18 The big Ronald Mc Donald quilt drop off. Many of us were quilting RMD quilts over the winter. Nancy’s car was full of beautiful quilts. Thank you ladies I am sure the children will love them.

May 14 Jane H. RMD quilt. Sue E. embellished Halloween quilt.Connie L. wedding quilt for her granddaughter. Vicki H QOV for her husband. Judy T. schlep bag. Nannette K. boxers quilt

May 7 I don’t think Jeannie F is the only one still quilting, however she is the only one sending me pictures. These are her creations from her embroidery machine.

April 30 Jean H. baby quilt. Helen K. Block of the month. Dottie A. 180 degrees quilt. Brita N. Confetti quilt. Jody B. scrappy quilts. Michelle D. quilt and tshirt quilts.

April 25 Our 90 years young, Anne F. still making beautiful quilts. Linda U interesting handbag, Jean H. beautiful block of the month quilt.

April 23 Enjoy the beautiful quilts.

April 9th Michele D. fabulous giant dahlia which she quilted on her long arm. Lots of baby quilts this week. Carol Marie S. all the animals, Helen K. giraffe, elephant and monkey, oh my, Marie B. disappearing 9 patch RMD quilt. Mary K. disappearing 9 patch for her bridge pastor who will be disappearing soon. Michele D. t-shirt quilt. Sue E. Disappearing 9 Patch workshop quilt and handbag. Linda C. dramatic color challenge quilt. Jody B. 40 year crochet project quilt.

April 2 Jeannie F. lovely black-eyed Susan embroidery. Jane N. Quilt of Valor quilt and Brita’s Disappearing 9 patch RMD quilt in flannel. Linda C. interesting star quilt, so creative.

March 26 Jane N. teddy bear from a man’s shirt and cape from a wedding vail and a collar for his favorite football team, the NY Giants. Ruth B. block of the month quilted by Michelle D.

March 19 A few Disappearing Block Sampler quilts. Closeup of HelenMarie’s Bonnie Hunter quilt. Carolmarie’s animal quilts. A few projects from Michele D. Nancy Mc C. otter quilt. A few of Wendy’s quilt projects. Arneta C. hand quilted beauty. Ger S. colorful pretty quilt notice the matching socks:)

March 12 Kathy G. Disappearing Sampler Quilt. Jeannie F. Celtic thistle embroidery. Marion H. machine quilting a big quilt, what a set up. HelenMarie M. king size colorful quilt. Barb C. lovely red, white and blue quilt. Jane E. interesting pillow. Dottie A. beautiful Stonehenge quilt. Connie L. RMD frog quilt.

March 5 Jean H. getting some baby quilts finished and she cut a hole in the beautiful tree skirt. Jeannie F. sewing bibs for new grand-niece. Jane N. is making spring table runners, can’t come soon enough.

February 26 Helen K. and Jodi B. are sewing as usual. Linda C. has been busy.Enjoy the show.

February 19 Lots of show and tell again today. Thank you to all who send pictures. Looking at everyone’s projects is so much better than shoveling the mountains of snow we are getting this winter. I like Janet S. batting snowballs much better.

February 12 The big positive about the pandemic is our quilters are getting their projects done! Way to go ladies, too many to name. Enjoy the show!

February 5 With 2ft of snow on the ground, many are really house bound so we are getting quilt projects finished. All of Jody B. projects, without distractions, she is getting lots accomplished. Jane N. Quilts of Valor back from the longarmer and now have piped bindings. Judy T. pretty bags and microwave bowls ready to sell at Souderton Mennonite Gift Shop. Maryanne W. colorful log cabin quilt. Keep up the good work ladies. We would love to see what you are working on, send pictures!

January 29 Jeannie F. mini quilt. Helen K. colorful quilt. Nannette K. beautiful king size quilt.

January 22 Jane N. is ready for Valentine’s Day.

January 15 Janet S. colorful squares. Sue Mc F. polka dots and stripes plus multi color stars quilt. Our own Linda C. quilt is on the advertising of the quilt festival. Jody B. bringing the light quilt for her grandson. Marion H. lovely cardinal bag,

Welcome January 8,2021 Many quilts from the meeting’s show and tell.

December 22 Jane N has been busy sewing teddy bears from Persian Lamb Coats and a Christmas stocking for her sister’s “grand dog.”

December 18 Jody B. has been on fire completing all these projects. Jane H. grumpy cat looks like most of feel about the 2020. Michelle D. sunny pinwheels and National Park quilt. Love the road meandering through the parks.

December 11 Many projects are getting completed. We have a very talented group.

December 4 Marianne S. quilt for her newest granddaughter. Marion H. tiny Christmas tree. Pat M. Covid 19 quilt displayed in Meadowood’s lobby and Sue E. Christmas Countdown – Simpler Times. Enjoy!

November 27 Rose W. sewn bags for Mennonite Central Committee. Connie L. getting back to quilting with Civil War fabrics.

November 20 Stephanie B.’s beautiful Menorah, the flames are attached with velcro so the Menorah can be lit each night. The sock monkeys are too cute and going to Norway to her daughter and grand babies.

November 13 We are a generous group. Sharing our talents with the children in Ronald McDonald House. Thank you to all who contributed. Most of these picture are from the RMD drop off this week.

November 7 Sylvia H. Honor Guard quilt for Navy Veteran Lynne W. Nancy K. Ronald Mc Donald quilt.

October 30 Quilts of Honor for the Honor Guard of our local chapter of Disabled American Veterans and Vietnam Veterans of America. Jean H., Jane N., and Diane B. and Lois S. quilts. Jody B.’s mother daughter quilt, and baby elephant quilt. Sue E. lighted Halloween pillow, really cool.

October 23 Jean N. breast cancer pillow, the hearts are little compartments where you can put a note of encouragement inside. Janet S. cute Christmas quilt.

Final Count for Ronald Mc Donald October Collection – 222 pillowcases, 70 quilts, 9 pounds of can tabs, and 15 pounds of toiletries. WOW! The kids will be thrilled. Thank you to all who contributed.

October 16 What a banner Show and Tell with the collection of the Ronald Mc Donald quilts we have been working on during the pandemic and the Quilts of Honor for the Vietnam Vets and one trick or treater! Our quilters are so generous with their talents!

October 9 Enjoy Jeannie F. blue bird embroidery. New member, Michelle D. t-shirt quilt and beautiful quilted quilt using Round Robin Rulers. Stunning!

October 2 Jean H. has been very busy with table runners and larger quilts all beautiful. Helen K. spooky mask. Johnine B. pretty scrappy Covid quilt. Jane N. holiday table runners. Jean N. hand quilted quilt for a future great grandchild! Busy Bees!

September 25 Janet S. beautiful Running with Scissors quilt. Jane N. is still making masks. Stephanie B. cute lake scene wall hanging. Judy T. beautiful modern quilt and two works in progress.

September 18 Judy T has been very busy finishing several beautiful large quilts. A special one for her grandson’s graduation. Jane N. is sewing seasonal table runners. Mary’s placemats and table runner. Marcia cute ballon RMD quilt. Helen is always quilting and giving lots away. New member, Christina is making some colorful quilts. Anne F. gorgeous white on white that she hand quilted during covid, stunning! Very talented ladies, thanks for sharing.

September 4 Goodbye summer, hello fall. Barb G made RMD quilts from children books, New member Karen is working on an Irish Chain quilt. Jane H has been busy with various projects and her BOM is almost done. Nan’s gorgegous king size quilt. Helen’s colorful RMD quilt.

August 28 Diane made a wall hanging out of a towel. Marion finished a kit she found from 2005. Jody completed a Zoom class, Disappearing Block Sampler with Brita. Enjoy!

August 21 Penne Ann is getting ready for the holidays and Connie is sending her grandson off to the University of Montana in style. Would love pictures of what the rest of you are sewing.

August 14 It maybe hot outside but these quilts are cool. Quilts hung outside, thread painting, QOV, pocketbook, wool wall hanging, detailed quilting, masks and pillow from recycle room.

July 31 A Quilt of Valor, circular wall hanging, doll quilts notice the difference between the two quilts the same color scheme one put on point and a block of the month. Enjoy.

July 24 Quilts for a sister, grandsons and RMD, block of the month, hexies, summertime treat and bear, oh my. Enjoy all the beautiful quilts.

July 17 Janet S. lemon and lime quilt. Diane’s BOM quilt ready to be sewn, plus bag for cutting mat, Jeannie’s little fishes and yours truly with an infinity scarf. Yes, everyone needs an infinity scarf when it is 95 degrees out. I am ready for Christmas in July!

July 10 Alaska quilt from Neda Yarnell, now she is stitching with the angels. Wonder who sewed watermelon masks? Fall table runners. Someone else has to be sewing the block of the month besides Helen. Let’s see the BOM blocks next week. Stay cool!

July 3 Pillowcases for RMD, more masks for Penn Medicine, a few quilts for new grandchildren and a puzzle. How are you spending your time?

June 26 Sewing al fresco, adorable little girl dresses, 75 masks made for Penn Medicine. Well done ladies!

June 19 Looks like Cindy, Helen and I are the only ones still sewing.

June 12 Everyone must be busy doing other things. Thankfully Janet S. sent me her quilt.

June 5 Enjoy the new projects.

May 29 Many new projects finished. Thanks for sharing ladies. Marion modeling the PPE and masks she has been making. Marianne is making masks and head coverings for her daughter and colleagues who are nurses. They typically eat turkey sandwiches hence the fabric.

May 22 Guess with the warmer weather the sewing machines are cooling off, or maybe all the UFO’s are finished ! Helen is still making masks, this one is adorable.

May 15th Lots of hard working ladies. Check out Marianne Saboe’s Lone Star Scrappy Quilt. Most of the fabrics in the quilt came from the recycle room.

May 8 Look at what we have been working on this week.

May 1 Don’t miss Pat Miesse’s sign of the time quilt! You’ll figure it out.

April 25 More Inspiration

April 16th More projects are getting done.

Virtual Show and Tell April 9

Virtual Show and Tell April 3

Virtual Show and Tell March 29

February 2020

January 2020

Our goodbye to a special friend Roberta. Happy Retirement!

December 2019

December 2019 Members enjoying the December luncheon and ornament exchange.

November 2019 The first set of pictures are the gallery of antique quilts, what treasures.

October 2019 Mostly Ronald Mc Donald quilts on their way to Danville next week. Vietnam Veteran quilts on the What’s New page.

September 2019
Our Honor Guard Quilts

Looks like we were very busy over the summer!

May 2019

May 2019
April 2019

March 2019
Quilt Show Challenge Preview – Quilts of Valor
March 2019
February 2019
January 2019
December 2018
November 2018
October 2018
September 2018
May 2018
April 2018
March 2018
February 2018
January 2018
December 2017
November 2017
October 2017
September 2017 – Welcome back ladies. We were sewing quite a lot this summer.
May 2017 So many lovely hats at our May tea!
April 2017
March 2017
Preview of Challenge Quilts for the quilt show
February 2017
January 2017
December 2016
November 2016
October 2016
September 2016 – Everyone was very busy quilting this summer. Enjoy the beautiful quilts.
June 2016 – Patty Knoechel did not disappoint. The Quilts from El’s Attic were beautiful. Patty showed us how most of them were constructed. Enjoy the pictures.
May 2016 – Our Tea luncheon was fun. Special hats, dressing up, great food and friends.
Neda’s 3-D Chile Ristra Wallhanging

This vintage quilt that Connie showed is in the same style as the Merry May Quilts.
Finished projects from the Merry May Workshop March 2016. Click on the picture to enlarge.
April 2016 Meeting Show and Tell