2025 Quilt Show- Information and Forms for Guild Members

The links below provide the information and forms needed by guild members who are participating in the 2025 Quilt Show.

Quilt Show Chairs

Quilt Show Registration Guidelines

Quilt Show Quilt Registration Form

Quilt Show Challenge Quilt

The Challenge Quilt for QS 2025 will be Through the Window. Looking out. Looking in. Your choice. Tap into your creative self. The Challenge Quilt must be registered through the regular QS registration process which includes a picture of the quilt. See the information on the Quilt Show Quilt Registration Form.

Constructing Hanging Sleeve For Quilts

All quilts entered into the quilt show must have  4″ sleeve. Click the link below to get instructions on how to put a sleeve on a large quilt, with special instructions for quilts that are longer than 85″Click this link: Constructing Hanging Sleeve For Quilts

Ideas for the Bag Raffle

Boutique Guidelines

Boutique Items for Sale – Form

Education Room Display – Registration

Quilt Show Voucher