Welcome to the Homemakers Country Quilters Website
Come to our show of over 160 quilts never shown before.

Learn more about the 2025 Quilt Show here.

The Homemakers Country Quilters Guild (HCQ) was started in 1983 by Margot Carney with 23 charter members. We now have over 100 members.
We meet on the second Friday of each month, from September through May. Our meetings are from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm at the 4-H Center, 1015 Bridge Rd, Collegeville, PA. We have a half hour of fellowship before each meeting (9 – 9:30 am). Our meetings are composed of a short business meeting, a presentation, and show and tell by our members. The presentations are by quilt experts, nationally known speakers, or one of our guild members. Guests are always welcome. There is a small admission fee of $5.00 for non-members. If you are interested in joining our guild, you can complete a New Member Application from the Membership Renewal and Applications Forms page.
To view the beautiful quilts, made by our guild members, that were on display at the Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza, click here.
Our menu items show a wide variety of quilting talent:
- The What’s New page provides information about our speakers, workshop projects, and other events sponsored by HCQ. Check that often for the most current information.
- On the Show and Tell page, you will see the projects that our members share at each meeting. (The quilts displayed at the top of many of the website pages are also from Show and Tell.)
- On the Block of the Month page, you will see quilts made using the same pattern. However the colors and fabrics used by our members make the quilts look very different.