Policy/Procedures for Retreats
HCQ will sponsor Retreats as agreed upon by the membership. Cost will be determined by the cost of facility rental, including cleaning fee and taxes, and a prorated share of the cost of food and other expenses. This is a service of the Guild, not a fundraiser. The retreats will be held if a minimum number of quilters make a commitment to attend, which includes a timely initial deposit and agreement to make full payment within the timeline outlined in this policy.
- The Retreat is open to Members of the Guild on first-come basis. Attendance is pledged when the deposit is paid. A waiting list is kept to accept another Member if someone withdraws from the Retreat.
- If the minimum required attendance is not fulfilled by Guild members, the Retreat will be opened to non-members at the same cost plus the annual membership fee at the time.
- Retreats must be paid in full three (3) months prior to the Retreat.
- A payment plan will be available, with payments due to the Treasurer as follows.
1/3 Payment
1/3 Payment
1/3 Payment or Final Payment - Anyone not paying at a meeting will send payment, via USPS, to the Treasurer. This includes the deposit, any monthly payments, and the final payment, if applicable.
- All payments will be provided to the Treasurer who is responsible for tracking payments and providing payment information to the Retreat leaders. Checks should be written to Homemakers Country Quilters.
- Refunds will be issued if a member is unable to attend the retreat due to emergency. Refunds also will be issued for the amounts paid only if another attendant pays in full or up to the amount the original person has paid.
Revised 2024